Autonomy: Ready to Disrupt Again

February 17, 2012

When Hewlett-Packard (HP) purchased the enterprise software company Autonomy for a hefty 10.3 billion last August, the world was left wondering what would come of this new partnership. While HP has the hardware, Autonomy’s unique software allows enterprises to provide insight and structure to electronic data, including unstructured information, such as text, email, web pages, voice, or video.

Now, six months after the acquisition, word has broken and Business Insider’s Julie Bort has written  “HP Finally Explains Its Big Plans for its $10 Billion Purchase, Autonomy” which shares some of the new products that HP has planned for Autonomy.

According to the article, HP is working on several hardware appliances that will power enterprise search and ideally out compete Google’s Search Appliance. HP also unveiled a new Autonomy video application.

In addition to this, Bort writes:

“HP is working on mobile Autonomy applications that will let you view images of physical world objects such as a movie poster and interact with them online. That’s nothing special, as lots of companies are working on similar technology, known as “augmented reality.” But this type of thing hasn’t gone mainstream yet, so there’s plenty of room for a big player like HP to own it if it ever does.”

While HP many not be using Autonomy to create the most innovative products right off the bat, HP’s extensive resources and purchasing power paired with Autonomy’s software make a duo that will be difficult to compete with.

Jasmine Ashton, February 17, 2012

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One Response to “Autonomy: Ready to Disrupt Again”

  1. Charlie Hull on February 17th, 2012 9:29 am

    Disrupt? The search appliance is (as you surmise) not very innovative, and the augmented reality idea has also been around for a while as Aurasma. I’m also failing to see how they can out-compete the GSA except on price – and low price hasn’t been something one would historically associate with Autonomy!

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