A Look at DynamoDB from Amazon

February 20, 2012

We’ve found a useful write up with useful links in Paperplanes’ “A Tour of Amazon’s DynamoDB.”

DynamoDB is Amazon’s distributed data store. This is a distributed database. It lives in the cloud and appears to leap frog Google and Microsoft in a key solution space.

Billed as fast, reliable, andcost-effective, DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service is tailored tofit Internet-scale applications. It was built on lessons Amazonlearned from Dynamo, the scalable storage system it created in 2007 tomeet its own needs. Writer Mathias Meyer spells out the purpose  ofhis article:

Time to take a good look at what it has to offer, how that works outin code, and to make some wild guesses as to what’s happening underthe covers. . . .My goal is not to outline the entire API and its full set of options,but to dig into the bits most interesting to me and to show someexamples. . . . I’m focusing on the effects DynamoDB has on you, theuser. We’ll look at API, general usage, data model and what DynamoDB’sfeature generally entails.

Meyer goes on to examine those points and much more. Even if thearticle weren’t full of useful information, it would be worth a peekif only for the links at the end, under Resources. Check it out.

Cynthia Murrell, February 20, 2012

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