Advice Inspired by Google

February 22, 2012

Gogaom has some advice for startups in “What I Learned from Teaming up with Google.” Writer Igor Faletski developed some pointers during his time at Google’s Mobilizing Mobile initiative. They are pretty basic yet good to keep in mind– worthy of checking out. The article summarizes the suggestions:

While it’s hard to imagine that your startup has much in common with a giant like Google, these four strategies should resonate with any sized-business. Think big and paint the picture before anyone else can see it. Have the resolve to focus where attention is needed. And most importantly, never lose sight of what makes you meaningful to your customers.

Faletski seems enamored with Google’s GoMo program, designed to help businesses with their mobile presence. It’s worth examining, but being Google’s pal may not be the best place to concentrate a young company’s hopes. Some of their initiatives haven’t worked out for the best, to say the least.

Cynthia Murrell, February 22, 2012

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