Innovation in Social Media Data Mining

February 28, 2012

These days, it seems that most companies have jumped on the social media bandwagon and have implemented full fledged marketing strategies on social media sites such as Twitter [], Facebook [], and LinkedIn [], in an attempt to increase visibility of their brand and market share. While some companies are finding value on the surface of social media marketing strategies, others are finding value behind the scenes in mining the data.

According to Kate Freeman in her recent report, “Gnip Authorized to Sell Access to Historical Tweets” at , the data mining company Gnip [] is exploiting the value of this data by becoming the first authorized reseller of Twitter feeds. As Freeman explains:

“Gnip can provide up to 30 days of tweets (currently, you can only search as far back as one week ago)….Reaching a month back in Twitter could help these companies better pin-point campaigns, target pitches and get a general sense of what the Twitterverse is buzzing about.”

Data mining Twitter feeds or other social media sites can be extremely time-consuming and, as evident by Twitter only making one week worth of feed available, time sensitive. A service like Gnip’s could save a significant amount of time and effort for the company that is interested in performing in-depth analysis on this data to best determine how to use social media to reach their customers. This type of innovative service is spot-on for the times and is likely to be viewed as extremely valuable by companies world-wide.

Gnipping at Google’s heels seems to be a Yandex type play? Russians are jovial souls.

Stacey Duwe, February 28, 2012

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