The Perils of Googley Beta Testing

February 28, 2012

A recent, scary security flaw in Google Wallet has prompted Extreme Tech to explore “Google and the Death of Beta Testing.” Writer Ryan Whitwam laments Google’s rejection of real beta-testing in products from the embarrassingly buggy Google Wave, to the privacy faux pas that was the Google Buzz release, to this latest mishap that left users’ financial information vulnerable. He summarizes:

“There is just no such thing as a real beta at Google. A product is either tested internally by Googlers, or it’s blasted out to large numbers of users. This is great when you want to get immediate access to an awesome new service, but when that service leaks your email contacts, or allows crooks to get at your pre-paid credit cards, it’s a disaster.”

Agreed. Whitman suggests Google return to the best practice of beta testing products before they go out. Seems like common sense, but we wonder: since Google users are not the same thing as Google customers, does the company believe we don’t deserve such common courtesy?

Cynthia Murrell, February 28, 2012

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