Rapidhog Has the Answers

February 15, 2012

We’ve found another information aggregation service that taps into the “collective wisdom” of the Web. Rapidhog is a place where folks can buy and sell knowledge. Its About page states:

Rapidhog connects the people who need to know and the people who do know to create a community of information exchange. The site allows people to freely ask questions and obtain answers while allowing those who answer to earn money for their help. It will also allow those who have information they find helpful such as video tutorials and walkthroughs to offer those to our members at a cost.

My question is about quality control. How do I know the person to whom I’m giving a few bucks to answer my question isn’t just making something up? Or, more likely, performing the Web search I could have done for free and probably in less time than it took to post my query?

With the Associated Press focusing on certain aggregation services, those offering new types of roll up services may want to check their rear view mirror.

Cynthia Murrell, February 15, 2012

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Protected: SharePoint Search Can Be Visual

February 15, 2012

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Hyundai, Kia Deploy New PLM System

February 15, 2012

The auto industry continues to regain momentum and excel with product lifecycle management (PLM) by its side. Recently reported, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors Corporation Completes First Phase of PTC PLM System Deployment.

Combined, Kia and Hyundai are the fourth largest and fastest growing automotive company in the world. Their robustPLM solution “enables global concurrent product development and supports its rapidly changing vehicle requirements.”

“Our company believes that new thinking leads to new possibilities,” said ChangKy Kang, executive vice president and head of vehicle development center 4. “This philosophy is what led us to selectPTCas our strategicPLMpartner. We are pleased by the collaboration betweenPTCand our project teams in achieving this aggressive implementation milestone on schedule.”

With the success of the first phase, they will begin planning for the second very soon.

PLMtechnology certainly has helped the car industry regain its footing.  There is no doubt as PLMgrows and expands, so will automotive manufacturing. Companies such as Inforbix are going above and beyond.  Not only have they simplified the approach to data access, but are doing it in a cost effective manner.  It is certainly time for the auto industry to take notice of Inforbix and use their technology to continue down their path back to prominence.

Jennifer Wensink, February 15, 2012

SharePoint Veteran Discusses Mistake Trends Among New Developers

February 15, 2012

In “5 Common Mistakes Made by New SharePoint Developers,” James Love discusses ways new solutions developers can avoid some common SharePoint mistakes. Love covers a number of important tenants developers should keep in mind when asked to develop a solution in the farm, including doing the right research, asking the right questions, and understanding best practices.

One way to avoid many mistakes is by first understanding and researching what the SharePoint platform can do. Love explains:

Let’s face it. SharePoint is big. Massive. Enormous. Possibly bloated, even. It can do one hell of a lot of things, and one of the things that trips up a developer when asked to do something in SharePoint, is that they might not realize that SharePoint already does part of what they need. So they end up reinventing the wheel. Sometimes reinventing the wheel means you end up with a bigger wheel, but also you will have to look after and support that wheel for when it breaks, and you may also have wasted a load of time making that bigger wheel. Sometimes though, the wheel that comes with SharePoint might be square shaped, and thus not do what is required, forcing one to reinvent it. Always find out if you can if SharePoint can already do something that you need it to, before embarking on development effort to build something.

It is definitely a worthy read for new developers and a good way to learn from someone who has been through the mistakes before.

Instead of reinventing a square wheel that doesn’t do what you need in SharePoint, consider a third party solution. We like Fabasoft Mindbreeze. Mindbreeze gives your users the search and navigation experience they need. Here you can read about the Fabasoft Mindbreeze InApp – Development Environment. The easy to use tutorials will help you learn how to work in the environment, such as integrating a custom data source. To avoid common mistakes in SharePoint, check out the full suite of solutions at Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Philip West, February 15, 2012

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Lexalytics and Document Summarization

February 15, 2012

No humans required, or that’s the premise.

Lexalytics which is best known for its text analysis engine highlights their text summarization tool. According to Lexalytics:

Summarization is an algorithmic shortening of the input content so as to best represent the whole content in a limited amount of words.

It all starts at the sentence level. The application is able to pick out the most important or representative sentences within the content and use them for the summary. Lexical chaining is involved in the actual choosing of the representative sentences. The company asserts that

“Lexical Chaining relates sentences via thesaurally-related noun” and regardless of where the sentences appear in the text if the nouns are related to each other they can be lexically related. In other wards the longest chain represents the best content and the first sentence of this chain will be the first sentence of the summary. The same procedure is done for the second-longest chain and so on. This is definitely a “chain reaction.”

April Holmes, February 15, 2012

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Metadata: To the Roots!

February 15, 2012

According to the Computer Weekly article “Diving Deeper than Metadata, Down to “Contextual “ Metadata” content management isn’t what it used to be. Social business tools have now entered the corporate world and they are a crucial part of content management. The article asserts:

“Systems of record themselves now face the additional challenge of not only tracking a firm’s own processes, but also accommodating for what Forrester Research defines as “out of process” applications from third parties or those that only happen infrequently.”

This new form of analytics is referred to as contextual analytics. IBM uses Lucene Search in its IBM Content Analytics program which uses “annotators” to help define the content management metatags. “Content analytics solutions can understand the meaning and context of human language and rapidly process information to improve knowledge-driven search and surface new insights from your enterprise content.”

Looks like IBM is focused on digging deep and getting to the root of the problem. Digging is good but the scattering of service after service, solution after solution, strikes me as a trifle untidy.

April Holmes, February 15, 2012

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iQuest, Now Lightbound

February 15, 2012

iQuest is now Lightbound. So what’s a “lightbound”?

Lightbound appears to be the former iQuest Analytics, which was founded in 2005 by Peter Gloor, who continues as president and chief science officer, to innovate and deliver world class and best of breed search technology solutions that solve critical knowledge issues around speed, relevance, and efficiency. Its iQuest Software Suite, an integrated software suite that combines social network analysis, auto-categorization with text extraction technologies to analyze unstructured data, was named a KMWorld Trend-Setting Product in 2009.

iQuest Discovery is the company’s enterprise search, research, and discovery (eSRD) solution that utilizes a technology architecture based on combined proprietary dynamic data structure innovations, natural language processing, and “parts of speech” to deliver optimized, efficient and relevant search results. This combination enables high-speed performance and lower cost of ownership and allows researchers to retrieve results that are both intuitive and non-intuitive.

iQuest is able to analyze unrelated collections of documents to automatically surface patterns and associations by clustering previously unconnected documents, blogs, RSS feeds, email and other unstructured data. It employs unique Social Network Analysis algorithms combined with token and link extraction to find hidden relationships and mission-critical undiscovered information by mining unstructured data from large document stores, the Web, email logs, phone archives, message boards, blogs and enterprise intranets.

By developing a solution that rapidly identifies relationships between previously unconnected data, iQuest and partner SGI have made it possible for the intelligence community to flag in near real time anomalous behavior that bears scrutiny as a possible danger to national security.

iQuest is the leading provider of eSRD software for the life sciences, intelligence, law enforcement, regulatory, legal, and research and development industries.

Stephen E Arnold, February 15, 2012

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Instant Technologies: Findability Push

February 14, 2012

Poor, poor search vendors. Competition comes from start ups, old outfits dosing on Krating Daeng, and outliers staffed with Smith College and Radcliffe college medieval studies and environmental science and policy majors working in technical marketing.

We noted the Instant Technologies’ Integrys Archive Viewer’s tweaking of its archiving, compliance, search, and discovery solution. The enhancement makes it possible to “discover” instant messages. According to the announcement:

Instant Archive Viewer is the leading archiving and compliance, search, and discovery solution for Microsoft OCS and Lync 2010. Instant Archive Viewer helps organizations enforce internal IM usage policies and quickly respond to compliance audits and legal discovery requests. Instant Archive Viewer is a highly scalable, and stable, OCS/Lync 2010 archiving application and is in use at many of the leading financial service organizations.

Several observations:

The solution appears to be just the ticket for outfits embracing Microsoft and IBM solutions. The Instant Technologies’ solution calls my attention to this question, “Aren’t Microsoft and IBM already providing these functions with their cornucopia of components?”

Then I realized, “If Instant Technologies has an innovation, what does that suggest about the native Microsoft and IBM solutions or the functions now available from other third party solution providers?”

Finally, I wondered, “How will companies buying older solutions such as Clearwell, Stratify, and similar vendors going to respond?”

In short, traditional key word search seems to be going the way of the dodo. In its place are traditional key word search systems with tweaks and some features. The task of deciding “which system” gets more difficult each day I conclude. Perhaps an azure chip consultant will aim its intellectual fire power at this market niche, roll out a crazy matrix, and estimate that add-ins are worth billions in 2016”? One can only wait with bated breath.

Stephen E Arnold, February 14, 2012

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Protected: For Maximum SharePoint Development and Customization Option Invest a Bit of Research Time

February 14, 2012

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Comperio Gaining Steam

February 14, 2012

According to the Comperio Search Matters article “Comperio Search Agreement with Norwegian Government Administration Services’ (DSS)” Comperio has signed one of the largest contracts ever in Norway with Departementenes Servicesenter (DSS) or the Government Administration Services.’

DSS is responsible for daily government administrative operations and finding “cost-effective and reliable shared IT solutions and services.” The actual Comperio contract is worth between 6 and 10 million Norwegian kroner and includes two years and a two year extension option.

We learned:

[The deal] includes the development of the search function on Regjeringen.no and new search solutions to future collaboration solutions in the ministries.”

The delivery is a very important recognition for us in the face of new customers in Norway and internationally, says Comperio CEO, Jon Ellefsen.

With such a big contract, and a possible extension under its belt Comperio is the current king of the castle.

Other business intelligence providers in the land better get to work if they ever want to overthrow this king. Comperio’s has a core competency in the search technology Microsoft acquired from Fast Search & Transfer in 2008.

Stephen E Arnold, February 14, 2012

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