Hakia Rolls Out Meaning Based Search App

March 16, 2012

App Appeal recently reviewed the new meaning based search engine app called Hakia in the article “Hakia Review – Meaning Based Web Search.”

According to the article, it was founded in 2004 and, rather than searching for how often a keyword is used, this application scours for meaning. Hakia, like most search engines, is a free service and search results are displayed as text links. Where Hakia differs is it breaks the differing results down into categories.

When distinguishing Hakia from other search engines, the article states:

Search engines are not uncommon today, however search engines that do not focus on keyword popularity are. Hakia offers a unique way to seek content based on meaning. Users can try different ways to search for topics, people, events and anything else imaginable. The search engine has some issues, but may prove to be an interesting alternative to the traditional search engine. It may not be a practical replacement, but it is a nice supplemental tool.

While Hakia is a cool alternative to keyword search engines like Google, it isn’t getting a ton of attention yet. This could be due to its lack of accuracy and cumbersome approach to search.

Jasmine Ashton, March 16, 2012

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