Optimizing SharePoint 2010 with Powershell

March 21, 2012

For SharePoint developers who need to customize their infrastructure, Powershell can be a powerful appliance to achieve set goals.  Craig Pilkenton offers his suggestions for maximizing the tool in, “Using Powershell to… Upload Documents in SharePoint 2010.”

Powershell is the tool for getting things done in all versions of SharePoint (and your servers/desktops too!). It has the capability to automate, monitor, notify, and even ‘react’ to results. Not only does it have custom compiled ‘activities’ to get work done, it has the ability to call any command-line executable or pull in .NET library’s to handle anything not already given to us by Microsoft (or even our own cmdlets). In this article we’ll go over how to use some of the new “manage content” SharePoint cmdlets to interact with the platform just as a user would.

Pilkenton is a Senior Microsoft Consultant at CDW, so his advice is credible and valuable.  He even lists a couple of items for consideration before using Powershell, and breaks down the internal structure line by line.

But for those who are not Senior Microsoft Consultants, and even those who may be intimidated by a command line driven program, there are other options.  Many third party solutions exist to make customization more intuitive, with less technical skill required.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers an entire suite of enterprise solutions to work alongside, or in place of, SharePoint.  Read more about their quick, service-oriented, and cost-effective offerings:

The award-winning high-tech product is your personal assistant. 24/7, 365 days a year. Regardless of which data you are looking for and with which system you are working with – Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise answers your questions with pinpoint accuracy.

SharePoint is a powerful and ubiquitous tool in the world of search, but for those who cannot devote the time and attention to such a large infrastructure, a smaller more intuitive solution may be just the fit.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 21, 2012

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