More Real Journalist Antics: A News Corp. Innovation?

April 8, 2012

Here’s more about the work methods of “real” journalists from the alleged “real” news. BBC News declares, “News Corporation firm NDS Accused of ITV Digital Hack.” BBC Panorama is accusing rival NDS of misconduct back at the turn of this century which resulted in the downfall of ITV Digital.

Panorama says NDS leaked the codes to smartcards that allowed users pirate ITV Digital’s services through a Web site called Thoic, putting the paid-TV broadcaster out of business. Thoic’s Lee Gibling charges that NDS paid him to publish the information for that very purpose. NDS internal documents seem to support the claim, according to the article.

NDS, of course, insists it did no such thing; in fact, they were actually working to *stop* piracy. The NDS response asserts:

“Like most companies in the conditional access industry – and many law enforcement agencies – NDS uses industry contacts to track and catch both hackers and pirates. This is neither illegal nor unethical. And, to ensure that all activity remains completely within legal bounds, NDS staff and their contacts operate under a clear code of conduct for operating undercover.

“These allegations were the subject of a long-running court case in the United States. This concluded with NDS being totally vindicated and its accuser having to pay almost $19m in costs.”

So, who is telling the truth? Unfortunately for NDS, its parent company News Corporation is currently suffering from a lack of credibility after last year’s phone hacking scandal. I imagine we will be hearing more about this issue as it unfolds. This online and technology approach to information is fascinating.

Cynthia Murrell, April 8, 2012

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