Desktop Search Moves to the Cloud

April 12, 2012

Tech Crunch’s Colleen Taylor recently reported on a new app called Found, that lets you find and access your documents whether they are on your computer or online, in the article “Found Makes Searching for Files Anywhere Super Simple (and Really Sick).”

According to the article, the San Francisco based app aims to organize the mess of documents that are relevant to our work and personal lives. Found currently plugs into Gmail, Google Documents, and Dropbox and the company says that it will be adding additional integrations in the near future.

Taylor states:

“Once you install it on your computer, looking for things in Found quickly becomes second nature — and you quickly start to wonder about how much time you wasted searching for things before you had it. Of course, the real key will be seeing how snappy the Found app is once more people are using it after the public launch later this spring — nowadays, an app is only as good as it can scale. But at the moment, Found is looking very like a very promising tool for the those of us who are a bit less organized with our files than we’d like to be.”

While the app won’t be released to the public until mid-May, you can see how Found works via an embedded video in Taylor’s article. The notion of a cloud service indexing content on a local machine may give some users pause. We prefer to use behind-the-firewall solutions. Even cloud back ups are solutions which don’t address the issues we face.

Jasmine Ashton, April 12, 2012

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