Is Microsoft Trying to Rid Itself of Bing?
May 3, 2012
Now here’s a rumor that will brighten Google‘s day. ZDNet asks, “Bing, Bang, Boom: Is Microsoft’s Search Engine Secretly for Sale?” Writer Mary Jo Foley points to New York Times sources that say some folks within Microsoft suggested selling Bing to Facebook. Facebook, it seems, has little interest in such a deal. The article tells us:
“The official Microsoft stance is Bing search is ‘a pretty strategic asset for the company’ with benefits that ‘can be leveraged across our whole product set.’
“But privately it seems that some of Microsoft’s key negotiators have floated the idea of offloading Bing to Facebook as a possible strategy. That’s according to a New York Times report on April 23 having to do with the latest Microsoft-Facebook alliance — this one involving the AOL patents Microsoft bought and is now selling to Facebook.”
Now, floating an idea and pursuing it are two different things, so take the rumor with a grain of salt. Microsoft may yet stick it out with the beleaguered Bing, especially since CEO Steve Ballmerstill seems to be sweet on the search engine.
If Microsoft has trouble jettisoning a floundering product, it could turn to Google for advice. That company has taken the axe to many a project.
Cynthia Murrell, May 3, 2012
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