More Legal Hassles for Google
May 4, 2012
When you climb to the peak of a mountain, you either set up camp or go back down. It appears Google forgot to pack a tent and might be losing their foothold according to, Google target of new federal privacy probe – San Jose Mercury News. This behemoth in the industry has been facing one challenge after another due to inner issues they seem hesitant to correct.
Initially, their fall from grace harbored around hindering investigations. Apparently they didn’t learn from their mistakes as:
“Hard on the heels of being fined $25,000 for allegedly blocking a federal privacy investigation, Google is enmeshed in a second federal probe into its privacy practices that could soon bring a more painful hit to the search giant’s pocketbook, this newspaper has learned.
The Federal Trade Commission is deep into an investigation of Google’s actions in bypassing the default privacy settings of the Safari browser for Google users.”
A $25,000 fine is nothing compared to the revenue they generate, however, how many fines must they incur before they make the policy changes necessary to keep them out of legal trouble. Though they say their cooperating, one has to wonder if Google realizes the damage being done to their reputation. Will Google wise up, or continue to face more legal hassles.
Jennifer Shockley, May 4, 2012
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