Infor Trailblazes the Future of Workplace Social Technology

May 12, 2012

Market Watch recently reported on a new enterprise software solution in the news release “Infor Delivers the Next Step in Software: Social Business Applications.”

According to the release, enterprise software provider Infor has announced the release of a new enterprise software solution that has the advanced capability to collaborate and communicate. What does this mean exactly?

The New Workspace works similarly to social networking tools and provides a similar interface. But it also works as a great asset to workplace decision making by providing role-based and contextual information from multiple applications in a single interface.

When describing the benefits of the New Workplace, the article states:

“Workspace also helps manufacturers address the critical problem of attracting and energizing young workers, particularly millennials. With Workspace, younger generations of workers are able to interact with one another in a way similar to their interpersonal interactions online. They can share and discuss their work with each other in an intuitive, familiar environment, helping to excite them and ignite the creative collaboration that fuels innovation.”

Due to rapid technological advancement it is imperative that companies adapt to meet the needs of the next generation of employees. This innovative new platform is an excellent step towards achieving this.

Jasmine Ashton, May 12, 2012


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