Interesting Sales and Service Approach from mnoGoSoftware

May 27, 2012

We’ve discovered what we think is a fascinating marketing angle for mnoGoSoftware: the company charges almost $1,000 for a basic desktop search system and then charges for email support. Hmph. But the really interesting point is this statement on the support page:

“We reserve a right to have 20 business days off within a calendar year, for vacation (usually not more than 10 business days off per quarter). During days offs support service won’t be available.

Support users will be notified about upcoming days off two weeks prior to anticipated service interruption lasting more than three days.

“Monthly support users will have their contracts automatically extended to cover any and all days off taken during the support month.”


The company must be doing something right, though, because the site names several awards it has won and lists over 230 Web sites that use its Web search software. They also offer versions for use with Windows and Unix.

Cynthia Murrell, May 27, 2012

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