Fabasoft Sees Share Growth and Profit in the Technology Sector

June 18, 2012

In “Fabasoft Linzer makes 700,000 Euros Profit,” the Futurezone.at blog takes a look at the climbing revenue at Fabasoft. Fabasoft AG (FAA.DE) shares have seen an uptick in recent months and have generally been hovering between €3.5 and €4 since March. According to the Fabasoft Annual Report, 2011/2012 saw an 8.3 percent increase from the 2010/2011 fiscal year.

The company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Austrian software manufacturer Fabasoft AG announced Friday evening, an operating profit of 700,000 € for the financial year 2011/12. In the previous financial year 2010/11 the company had suffered losses amounting to 300,000 euros. Revenues climbed from 21.1 million euros to 22.9 million euros. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to 2.2 million euros (1.0 million euros a year earlier).

In the Fabasoft Annual Report letter from the managing Board, Fallman and Bauernfeind also have this to say about the growth,

However, it is not only the intensity of use of our cloud products that has increased over the past fiscal year. We have also recorded encouraging growth in the ‘classic’ business sector with software licenses and the associated services. In the key business with public sector clients we have continued to make good progress despite – and in some cases also because of – considerable savings targets. Our government clients benefit from the innovation that characterizes our product development combined with the years of professional experience of a leading and proven supplier in this market segment…Based on our commitment to responsibility and sustainability the Fabasoft Group has, in the fiscal year under review, developed even further in terms of product portfolio, product accessibility, sales and marketing and in respect of providing services.

With such growth, it seems clear that Fabasoft is on the right track. In terms of cloud services and search, you may consider the full suite of solutions available from Fabasoft, including Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise. The cost-efficient and comprehensive search solution creates relevant knowledge from processing data. With extensive search, your users can find the right information at the right time facilitating the reuse of valuable business knowledge. And with mobile and Web site search features, consider Fabasoft Mindbreeze as the comprehensive solution for your information management. Read more about the full suite of solutions at http://www.mindbreeze.com/.

Philip West, June 18, 2012

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