Understanding Search Features Available in Out of the Box SharePoint

June 20, 2012

In “SharePoint 2010 Search: Relevance, Refinement, People,” Jennifer Mason takes a closer look at powerful search features available in SharePoint to help you locate and access the data and content you’ve added to the farm. Mason explains her approach to the topic:

Search is everywhere, and SharePoint is no exception. By providing your users with a way to easily find their content you are able to greatly increase the usability and user adoption within your organization. This article will highlight the specific ways that SharePoint search enhances your environment.

She also explains basic content and people search options in out-of-the-box SharePoint that can be a big help to many users. But she also points out that any advanced and higher level search functionality that can make the search and navigation experience better for your users lies in the type of licensing you have and if you choose to invest in implementing FAST Search Server for SharePoint.

Mason goes on to comment on search strategies:

In most organizations a Search strategy is developed that includes information on what content sources need to be created as well as what scopes should be implemented. A good practice is to also have a primary resource that is responsible for reviewing the Search Analytics reports and taking steps to provide continuous improvements to the overall search experience. Search is an area in SharePoint that can potentially cross many teams and require multiple resources so it is a good idea to spend some time planning to ensure that your environment is scoped appropriately.

We agree that search is always deserving of improvement and attention as it is users’ means to access and reuse valuable business knowledge. Depending on your organization, you may not want to devote the time and effort for extensive configurations and training to develop a powerful search feature. We think it would be easier to go with a simple third-party solution like Mindbreeze, cutting down on the costly man hours.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise provides consistent and comprehensive information access to both corporate and Cloud sources and . . .

finds every scrap of information within a very short time, whether document, contract, note, e-mail or calendar entry, in intranet or internet, person- or text-related. The software solution finds all required information, regardless of source, for its users. Get a comprehensive overview of corporate knowledge in seconds without redundancy or loss of data.

The seamless Cloud solution makes sure you find the right information you need at any time. Check out the full suite of solutions at Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Philip West, June 20, 2012

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