More Data to Query from Carbon Monitoring

June 25, 2012

As companies become more focused on tracking and minimizing their carbon footprints to enhance their sustainability records as well as their bottom lines, carbon monitoring software has surged in popularity.  Such applications have matured quickly in recent years, and numerous guides and standard calculations now exist to assist companies with assessing and benchmarking their carbon emissions and ensuring their compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

Unfortunately, carbon monitoring can be difficult to standardize, as every organization has different monitoring needs based on its operations and culture.  Consequently, traditional business intelligence software may collect much inaccurate and superfluous environmental data, thus compromising its utility.   In light of these reliability concerns, some software makers have invested in their product portfolios to offer more comprehensive, integrated carbon monitoring capabilities.  As noted in the article by William Newman and Cindy Jennings entitled “Automated Carbon Monitoring Works Best with Close Industry Fit, Integration” that recently appeared online on Search Manufacturing ERP’s site:

“Broad sustainability performance applications, including product compliance elements, are available from many enterprise resource planning (ERP) and product lifecycle management (PLM) vendors such as SAP, Dassault Systemes and PTC, as these large software vendors position themselves for growth in the carbon monitoring market.”

Inforbix, like its cutting-edge peers, offers highly customized cloud-based PLM solutions that enable its users to easily find, reuse, and share all types of product data to enhance monitoring, compliance, and profitability.

Tonya Weikel, June 25 2012


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