Quote to Note: Google and Its View Point

July 6, 2012

Women Explain Why Google+ Is All Dudes” uses a categorical affirmative. I like universals but Google Plus is not “all dudes.” I think Google has a dudey view point. I did want to highlight what I think is a useful insight into the company:

But that internal testing process can lead to products too tailored to the distorted bubble in which Googlers operate, where the food and transportation tends to be free, where the internet is incredibly fast and reliable, and where coworkers tend to be brilliant male computer scientists. Facebook, in contrast, was built by college students, for college students. And Google+ can’t yet compete.

Does Google “care”? Maybe in an abstract way. Will it change? Not until the demographics of computer science, physics, and math majors change.

Stephen E Arnold, July 6, 2012

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