JackBe Quick Stratagem

July 8, 2012

Some professionals make spur of the moment decisions so easily it appears an invisible adviser is whispering solutions. Others may struggle with indecision when put on the spot both in and out of business. Those awkward moments of confusion may be getting easier with some new tools, according to Fast Company’s article, “2 Tools To Help You Make Smarter, Faster Decisions On The Fly.”

Now if you are caught off guard by a sudden concern, fear not… JackBe will swiftly do comparisons and find a solution. To put it simply:

“JackBe allows your people to assemble a set of iPhone-like apps that mash together information from disparate sources in real-time. Think of a highly customized mobile Bloomberg terminal that might show on one screen sales figures pulled from SAP, customer complaints on Twitter, and shipment statuses from UPS. By assembling all of these into one screen, you can more easily and quickly spot trouble and opportunity.”

The second tool highlighted in the article seemed more like a ploy to draw attention to the author’s book. Stratagem does not respond quickly but instead offers a time consuming process. The user asks a question, to which the app responds with 4 more questions. Depending on user response, the app than calculates 10 strategic patterns to apply to your original question.

Overall JackBe provides a useful tool that could actually be beneficial in a crunch. The Stratagem is a good concept, but the process is lengthy and could prove to be a time consumer.

Jennifer Shockley, July 8, 2012

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