Shocking Internet Marketing Statistics

July 8, 2012

For those interested in finding current data on the state of the Internet marketing world, HubSpot blog recently published a listing of “21 Internet Marketing Stats That Will Blow Your Mind.”

The article is presented in a list format and the majority of the statistics back up the notion that we live in a world where the majority of online adults utilize social media sites on a regular basis. Despite that fact, no one wants a brand to blast them with meaningless Facebook and Twitter statuses multiple times a day.

This leads me to the first surprising factoid:

“The more posts per day, the less engagement — when a brand posts twice a day, those posts only receive 57% of the likes and 78% of the comments per post. (Source: Track Social) Be mindful of your publishing frequency on Facebook, and start testing with your own page to see what frequency is right for your community.”

What is even more interesting, considering the intensity at which companies seem to want to blast their customers, is this statistic:

“On average, companies respond to only 30% of social media fans’ feedback. (Source: Factbrowser) Engagement is rare. Stand out from your competition by caring and engaging with your social media community.”

Which may be the reason why our third datum is so prevalent:

“In any given week, less than 0.5% of Facebook fans engage with the brand they are fans of. (Source: Marketing Science) Brands aren’t providing the right kind of content and experience to engage their fans. Ask your Facebook fans what type of content they want to see, and then give it to them!”

Businesses that are interested in actually making an impact with their social media marketing plan need to focus on targeted statuses that inform their customers.

Jasmine Ashton, July 8, 2012

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3 Responses to “Shocking Internet Marketing Statistics”

  1. » Shocking Internet Marketing Statistics : Beyond Search » on July 9th, 2012 2:20 am

    […] original article: Shocking Internet Marketing Statistics : Beyond Search Tagged: […]

  2. Shocking Internet Marketing Statistics : Beyond Search | Marks IM World on July 9th, 2012 5:20 am

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  3. Donna on July 30th, 2012 4:38 am

    Amazing how little research the average company actually puts into knowing how to utilize their marketing ploys. I find myself agreeing on a personal basis to all above mentioned stats! While social media is a must in today’s world, they need to get the balance right.
    Having a team to follow up on fan’s comments, queries and problems is also vital. Service is under-rated in the value a company provides. I’ve heard of a company who offer this type of service, using people they call brandvocates (self explanatory), who research the product, know the aims of the company, and provide valuable feedback to the public, in a way that is meaningful, and not just spammy. Seems like something that could be a good resource to make use of. Their website explains it well.

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