Kroll Overhauls Management

July 9, 2012

It is not unusual for a corporation to occasionally replace a few executives, but Altegrity’s Kroll just had a major personnel overhaul all within twenty days. We’re not sure what motivated this type of turnover in corporate management, but the press releases on Altegrity’s Web site announce all three of the new additions with glowing recommendations.

Kroll Advisory Solutions is a global leader in risk mitigation and response. The company asserts:

“Kroll delivers a wide range of solutions that span investigations, due diligence, compliance, cyber security and physical security. Clients partner with Kroll Advisory Solutions for the highest-value intelligence and insight to drive the most confident decisions about protecting their companies, assets and people.”

It appears Altegrity Kroll perceived the need for a personnel overhaul.

Jennifer Shockley, July 9, 2012

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