Android Fragmentation Pinching Some Developer Toes

July 18, 2012

Here in Harrod’s Creek, we absofreakinglutely know that there is no Android fragmentation. We remember what Google says. But some folks are not heeding the message it seems.

Google is trying to tip toe between their hardware developers and their partners to knock the edge out of fragmentation issues with Android. Slashdot’s “Google Trying New Strategy to Fix Fragmentation” talks about the impressive new features Android is offering while they sidestep the fragmentation problems.

Despite Androids release of Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean, the majority of users are still using Gingerbread. Google admits that according to their data only around 7% of Android users are utilizing the current version. The sad irony is that makes the latest OS innovations unavailable to the other 93% and developers are forced to test apps across multiple devices and versions.

How is Google appeasing the developers? Google is giving free tablets and phones to developers at the event, and:

“Google’s Hugo Barra announced a Platform Developer Kit during the opening keynote at I/O this week and the news was greeted with applause. The PDK will provide Android phone makers with a preview version of upcoming Android releases, making it easier for them to get the latest software in their new phones. But is the PDK enough to secure for developers the single user experience for big numbers of Android users that developers crave?”

The fragmentation continues to contribute to the cost of making apps and Google risks chasing its developers away. Google is walking on eggshells and ignoring frag issues with their hardware partners and developers who want to customize devices. If ignored? Maybe no one cares.

Jennifer Shockley, July 18, 2012

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