New Report Declares 2011 Set New PLM Records

July 19, 2012

Not so long ago the manufacturing industry was the primary user of product lifecycle management (PLM). All that has changed, however, thanks largely to advances in technology like the introduction of the cloud.  Now, PLM solutions span across all industries and companies of all sizes.  That has led to record breaking profits as described in the Ten Links article, “CIMdata Publishes PLM Trends Report”.

Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata’s Director of Research, was quoted as saying,

“While the global economy sputtered, the PLM economy grew faster than in 2010, which was a very good year. Most segments of the market that CIMdata tracks saw high double digit growth, with very strong license sales. Given that new license sales are often precursors to more software and services investment, this is a strong indicator that 2012 could be another solid year for PLM solution and services providers.”

One of the reasons PLM solutions has continues to grow despite economic challenges is the global awareness of data management.  Big Data news tops headlines in all industry journals and data analytics providers are reaching out to new audiences at an increasing speed.  PLM is simply a practical use of new data management solutions.  We agree that 2012 will most likely top records once again proving that PLM is the answer to most production and cost related problems.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 19, 2012


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