Claims Based Authentication in SharePoint 2013

July 23, 2012

The Web is buzzing with the release of SharePoint 2013 Preview, which was recently announced.  Wictor Wilen, a SharePoint certified architect, takes on analysis of the new product with special attention being given to Claims-based authentication mode in his blog entry, “SharePoint 2013: Claims is the New Black.”

Wilen explains how the authentication mode has become less flexible:

Now in SharePoint 2013, Claims-based authentication mode is the default authentication method. You cannot from the web interface create content web applications using Classic mode. If you need to create a Classic web application you need use PowerShell – but you should not do that (unless you have some specific requirement) since Classic mode is now considered deprecated, and will likely be removed in future releases of SharePoint.

Wilen goes on to explain how the SharePoint team has made a number of improvements in Claims-based authentication since it has become the default.  Lastly, he lists the next steps that users need to make to keep up with the changes from 2010 to 2013 SharePoint offerings.

For users who need efficient and intuitive enterprise search, but do not have the time to navigate SharePoint’s infrequent and upsetting changes, a third party solution may be a better fit.  Check out the award winning Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.  With quarterly seamless updates and a more intuitive interface, Fabasoft Mindbreeze might be a more time and cost efficient solution for your organization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, July 23, 2012

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