Genetics Company 23andMe Acquires Web Site CureTogether

August 9, 2012

Here we have an intriguing development for a company in which Googler Sergey Brin has an interest. MIT’s Technology Review reveals, “23andMe Expands its Data Mining Operations.” The personal genetics company has acquired CureTogether, an online forum wherein about 25,000 members discuss their diseases, treatments, and lifestyle choices. A valuable resource for folks living with illnesses—and a wealth of healthcare-related data.

Writer Susan Young reveals:

“23andMe sells DNA tests directly to consumers who send a spit sample to the company for genomic screening of up to 1 million genetic variants, which are a mix of both recreational (e.g. the genetic basis for tongue rolling) and serious medical traits (e.g. genetic factors associated with Parkinson’s Disease) as well as variants that indicate a customer’s ancestry.

“The amount of the purchase was not reported and is 23andMe’s first acquisition, according to the San Francisco Business Times.”

The name 23andMe, of course, is a reference to humankind’s 23 chromosomes. The company’s worthy mission is simply “to be the world’s trusted source of personal genetic information.” The acquisition of CureTogether should help them toward that goal. Founded in 2006, 23andMe makes its home in Mountain View, California. If you’re curious about their service, take a look at this fact sheet.

Cynthia Murrell, August 9, 2012

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