Some Countries Still Prefer to Read the Newspaper

August 13, 2012

Science Daily recently posted the article “Online News Takes Off in US and UK While Most Germans Prefer a Newspaper”  shines a bright light on traditional publishers. Unfortunately for American journalists, Germany seems to be the only country left that prefers print news.

According to the article, a recent study published by the University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, based on surveys in UK, US, France, Germany and Denmark, found that While the majority of Germans prefer print news over online, US and UK residents prefer to access their news online. More specifically. 28% of UK and US residents access the news from their mobile phones and 60% of tablet users in the UK regularly access online news.

Report author Nic Newman, a Research Associate at Oxford University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, said:

“For many people digital news is now the first place to go for the latest news, rivaling television as the most frequently accessed type of news in the UK and the US. Of those surveyed, nearly eight out of ten people accessed online news every week, but the transition from print to digital is much slower in other European countries. The report suggests that the Germans were the least likely to access news online of the five countries studied with almost seven out of ten, of those surveyed, saying they still read a newspaper.”

As online news continues to thrive in some western countries, it is interesting to see that others remain attached to traditional media forms.

Jasmine Ashton, August 13, 2012

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