Big Data Not Necessarily a Wise Investment

September 3, 2012

Ed Hallen at Klaviyo‘s blog douses the big data craze with a splash of reality in “The Curse of Analytics and the Big Data Hype.” Does this presage gloom for the big data cheerleaders?

Hallen notes the wealth of advertisements and articles that have lately lauded the big data analysis trend. He encourages businesses to take a step back and question whether the technology will really serve their needs. For companies in the fields of Software as a Service or Ecommerce, the answer is probably “yes.” Otherwise, this trend may not be a wise investment. He writes:

“Here’s the problem – analytics are expensive. They take time, they take knowledge, they take investment in analysis tools and data systems, and crucially, they require we be willing to change our behavior based on what we learn.

“Moreover, analytics without purpose and no tie to decisions keep us from focusing on the most important tasks ahead of us.  It’s a lot like eating a Snickers bar for lunch – it’s tasty, but it doesn’t stick with us for very long and doesn’t leave us much better off.”

Very good points. The write up suggests a few questions to ask when considering an investment in big data analysis tools. Check them out, then file them away for the day the issue comes up at your organization (if it hasn’t already).

Cynthia Murrell, September 03, 2012

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