Newspaper Advertising Revenue Shows Sharp Decline

October 2, 2012

It is well known that numerous big newspaper corporations have gone bust in the past decade. However, according to an article from Business Insider, “And Now Let Us Gasp In Astonishment At What Just Happened To The Newspaper Business,” the related decline in newspaper advertising over the same time period makes it surprising that all newspaper organizations have not flopped as well.

The article tells us:

“Below, via Mark J. Perry and Bill Gross, is a chart we’ve run before. It shows inflation-adjusted newspaper advertising revenue over the past 60 years.

Thanks to the precipitous decline in the last ~7 years, the industry is now back to where we it was in 1950. And it’s only slightly better off when you factor in online revenue.

Journalism professor Jay Rosen of NYU observes that the peak year was the one in which blogging software first appeared.”

The chart, which we have included, shows a very obvious and quick drop in the last decade.


This shocking decline in newspaper revenue is concerning for the print industry and shows the switch to blogging and other online sources of news and information. Advertisers and journalists would be wise to learn how to monetize this area before all newspapers are extinct.

Andrea Hayden, October 02, 2012

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One Response to “Newspaper Advertising Revenue Shows Sharp Decline”

  1. simon blake on November 4th, 2012 7:12 pm

    The fall in Newspaper advertising revenues has little to do with the internet or blogging, its actually to do with the ads not working. so little effort is made to make the ads stand out they simply are not seen. Most ads are set up in Gutenberg diagram (left to right, top to bottom) yet modern eye movement science tells this not the way we scan pages or visuals. If newspaper advertising worked like they should there wouldn’t be a decline in revenues.

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