Googles Plan to Conquer the Enterprise

October 16, 2012

Information Week’s John McGreavy recently doled out some possibly unjustified criticism of Google’s enterprise initiatives in the article, “Google Enterprise, I’m Not Impressed.”

In the article McGreavy accuses Google executives of being overly pompous when discussing the impact of the company’s products on enterprises at the recent InformationWeek 500 Conference.

McGreavy writes:

“Another CIO attendee at the conference questioned Google about its lack of a product road map. Bavor, Google Enterprise’s head of product management, replied with some effervescent, hand-waving description of Google’s process for creating incredible products of all sorts that increase productivity and generate a fabulous (or was it amazing?) experience.

And then Lock, the Google Enterprise VP, attempted to explain the vendor’s development cycle. He explained that Google can’t share much more than a six-month vision because it doesn’t know what it will be doing beyond that time frame.”

McGreavy is not the only person, unsettled by this statement. Will the search giant conquer the enterprise the same way it conquered the Internet? I guess only time will tell.

Jasmine Ashton, October 16, 2012

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One Response to “Googles Plan to Conquer the Enterprise”

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