The Data Analytics Steamroller

November 2, 2012

IT professionals may soon find themselves very, very busy, according to Datamation’s “Data Analytics: Advanced Roll-Out is Accelerating.” The article reports on a new survey from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, which found demand for advanced analytics tools in finance, marketing, and operations departments poised to rise dramatically over the next few years. With the adoption of more advanced tools should come an increased demand for serious IT chops. The article reports:

“IT pros in the BI/analytics world can thank our old friend unstructured data. Incorporating emails, text messages, YouTube videos, Facebook posts, Word docs and other unstructured information into a data warehouse already populated with rows and columns of production, sales and personnel information has been a wish list item for almost a decade.

“And it’s extremely difficult to do – spreadsheet jockeys who are wizards at nested formulas and linking Excel to DB2 or Oracle 8 aren’t ready to deal with the wide variety of data types that marketing, customer service and other departments need to examine.”

The shift even has some organizations, like Procter & Gamble for instance, breaking up their IT departments and dispersing their analytics experts among other departments. Writer Larry Marion observes that “IT pros will be pushed and pulled as the organizational disputes drag on.” They can take comfort, though, in their enhanced job security. Still an extremely valuable commodity.

Cynthia Murrell, November 02, 2012

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