PolySpot Adds In Connector to Social Technology Giant Blue Kiwi

November 7, 2012

Productivity is the name of the game for enterprise infrastructure software vendor PolySpot. Now, they
have added in another connector to their list spanning over 100. The article “The Blue Kiwi Connector for
PolySpot is Ready!” tells us more about this forward-thinking move.

Since BlueKiwi is Europe’s largest cloud based enterprise social software solution, it was a no-brainer for
PolySpot to develop a connector and add it to their library.

The author states in his post on the subject:

“But beyond collaboration and co-creation, what good is creating, or co-creating information if the fruit of
the collective intelligence of employees can not be quickly found? Thus, to offer the use of our converging
technologies, the R&D department at PolySpot has developed a BlueKiwi connector for PolySpot. With
BlueKiwi and PolySpot, employees would enjoy a productive environment, strengthening collaborative and
social innovation, expertise finding and sharing.”

What is productivity without social? This is the question users do not have to learn the hard way that social
technologies do in fact fuel productivity. Thanks to PolySpot’s Information At Work, the social power of
BlueKiwi is now a part of the picture.

Megan Feil, November 7, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.



2 Responses to “PolySpot Adds In Connector to Social Technology Giant Blue Kiwi”

  1. olefassy on November 7th, 2012 8:24 pm

    RT @BeyondSearch: PolySpot Adds In Connector to Social Technology Giant Blue Kiwi: http://t.co/ztxP5cg5

  2. Scout0GB on November 8th, 2012 3:25 am

    RT @BeyondSearch: PolySpot Adds In Connector to Social Technology Giant Blue Kiwi: http://t.co/ztxP5cg5

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