Enterprise Software Solutions Enable Technologies to Deliver Information

November 8, 2012

The author of a recent ZDNet article, “Reality Check: Big Data BS” is not the first to call out the marketers and media mongers who are going nuts over the buzz surrounding big data. It could be argued, according to this source, that big data as a concept is nothing new.

This particular article brings in reinforcement in the form of other blogs and posts related to the idea that big data use cases have been around for quite some time now. Projects in the past may not have always been labeled as ‘big data’ but that doesn’t stop them from fitting the bill as such.

The article states:

As I think about this topic I cannot help but go back to the Harrahs case study from ten plus years ago where CEO Gary Loveman applied his understanding of customer loyalty, developed during his tenure at MIT Sloane to the rejuvenation of a tired gaming hall and turned it into a gaming powerhouse. He understood the value of blended real time data coming from multiple sources. More important, he understood that data has to be actionable, business models have to be refined and processes need recasting to reflect the new information and what it is revealing.

Creating and working with actionable and usable data is no longer a challenge for many businesses – rather it does not have to be a challenge anymore. Many information management software solutions, such as PolySpot, enable the technologies to deliver information and users are simply left with making the decisions.

Megan Feil, November 8, 2012

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