PolySpot Solutions Break Silos to Deliver Information Efficiently

December 11, 2012

A recent article from Entrepreneur states what we have all been thinking over the last several years in particular. Big data is now a fact of life. Huge volumes of data are not only created by each of us on a regular basis, but we also utilize these pieces of data to inform us in every industry imaginable. The article, “ The Goliath of Big Data Meets Its David,” discusses this in regards to a potential new solution.

This solution comes from none other than a new Silicon Valley business-to-business startup Peaxy. The essential goal is to eradicate dependence on a certain brand of hardware or generation of server. Then, clients’ data can be freed from individual silos.

The article states:

By allowing the data to mingle freely in a single “namespace” composed of many servers, they say, you can glean insights from multiple blocks of data. Terranova gives the example of car manufacturers that need to marry proprietary engineering data with customer feedback in order to build accurate predictive models for vehicle maintenance problems.

Silos must be broken down; there is no doubt about that. We have seen much success in this regard from one company in particular: PolySpot. With over 100 connectors, their solutions deliver information securely across the enterprise in real-time.

Megan Feil, December 11, 2012

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