Information Connectivity Enabled Across the Enterprise with PolySpot

February 8, 2013

One of the reasons that big data is so big is because of the large number of devices in which data can be generated. An infographic from Techi popped up recently that describes how “Big Data is Bigger than Most Realize and discusses this and the larger implications. The article references IBM‘s report that says 90 percent of the world’s data has been accumulated in the last two years.

Peer to peer communication and social networking data make up the largest chunk of the zettabytes that are out there. The infographic attempts to relay an overarching perspective on how far technology has come by sharing that one zettabyte book would require 3 times the number of trees in the world for paper.

The infographic was framed in the following context:

On the tail of the release of a report that showed how synthetic DNA could be used to store zettabytes of data in the palm of our hand, it’s important to understand just how much information that really is. The term “big data” is already appearing to be the most overused word of the year in 2013 and it’s only January, so grasping the size of how big it all really is makes for an interesting visualization.

While many organizations will never need to crunch zettabytes this year, they will undoubtedly benefit from storing and analyzing petabytes and exabytes. Solutions like those from PolySpot aid in an organization’s ability to connect data from various sources and churn out meaningful insights from pieces in order to make a whole.

Megan Feil, February 8, 2013

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