Sinequa France: Update 2013

February 14, 2013

My research team was winnowing our archive of information about European search vendors. Since Martin White’s article for eContent in 2011, a number of changes have swept through the search and content processing sector. Some changes were significant; for example, HP’s stunning acquisition of Autonomy. Others were more modest; for example, the steady progress of such companies as Sinequa and Spotter, among others.

The European technical grip on search is getting stronger. Google is the dominant player in Web search. But in enterprise content processing, some European firms are moving more rapidly than their North American or Pacific Rim counterparts.


The Sinequa tag cloud. See

One interesting example is Sinequa, based in Paris. The company, like other French technology firms, has a staff of capable engineers and managers. However, unlike some other companies, Sinequa has continued to establish a track record as a company innovating in technology and capturing some important accounts; for example, Siemens, the German industrial powerhouse.

Sinequa’s approach is to emphasize that enterprise search has moved to unified information access. A number of companies make similar claims. Sinequa has established that its technology can deliver the type of one-stop access to structured and unstructured content that almost every vendor claims to deliver. You can get a useful overview of the architecture of the Sinequa platform at

A relatively recent addition to the Web site are case analysis videos. I find case examples extremely useful. The presentation of this type of information in rich media format makes it easier for me to get a sense of the value of the solution a vendor delivers. I found the Mercer video particularly interesting. You can find these testimonials at

The trajectory of European search, content processing, and analytics vendors is difficult to plot in today’s uncertain economic climate. Sinequa warrants a close look for organizations seeking an integrated approach to its content assets. For more information about Sinequa’s current activities, tap into the firm’s blog at

Stephen E Arnold, February 14, 2013

Sponsored by EMRxNow, the information service which tracks automated indexing of electronic medical records


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