DataFacet Video

February 15, 2013

DataFacet’s stream of news slowed in late 2012. The outfit seems to be quiet; what’s going on over there? While we wait for their next move, check out the interesting video on the DataFacet Web site, which effectively introduces their product. It begins with a good explanation of “taxonomy,” which might be useful to bookmark in case you need to define the term for someone unfamiliar with the field. The video goes on to show someone using parts of the DataFacet system, which gives a much better idea of what it does than any text explanation could. It’s set to a catchy tune, too.

The product description surrounding the video specifies:

DataFacet provides a taxonomy based data model for your enterprise’s unstructured information along with a sophisticated, yet easy to use, set of tools for applying the data model to your content.

It’s an easy three step process:

  1. Choose your foundation taxonomies from the DataFacet library of over 500 topic domains
  2. Customize your taxonomy with DataFacet Taxonomy Manager
  3. Tag your content with DataFacet Taxonomy Server

DataFacet is already available for the following search and content environments:

DataFacet is actually a joint project, built by taxonomists from WAND and Applied Relevance. Based in Denver, Colorado, WAND has been developing structured multi-lingual vocabularies since 1998. Their taxonomies have been put to good use in online search systems, ad-matching engines, B2B directories, product searches, and within enterprise search engines.

Applied Relevance offers automated tagging to help organizations contextualize their unstructured data. They have designed their user interface using cross-platform JavaScript and HTML5, which gives their application the flexibility to run in a browser, be embedded in a Web page, or be hosted in an Adobe Air desktop application.

Cynthia Murrell, February 15, 2013

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One Response to “DataFacet Video”

  1. bekinc on February 15th, 2013 6:59 am

    RT @BeyondSearch: DataFacet Video:

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