PolySpot Uses Disorganized Data and Churns Out Deliverable Insights

February 18, 2013

Big data is exploitable, increasingly necessary for enterprise functionality as organizations become more complex and can provide endless opportunities for ROI. However, there are some organizations that have not fully realized their potential to tap into this resource. ZDNet‘s article “Big Data: Why Most Businesses Just Don’t Get It” discusses how these organizations want to look at multiple pieces of data across different information sources but cannot execute the technology and manpower required.

Gartner vice president and distinguished analyst Debra Logan offers up her insights in the referenced article stating that 95 to 97 percent of organizations she knows are only exploring possible big data solutions currently. However, research from Microsoft says 75 percent of organizations are implementing solutions in the next 12 months.

The article quotes Logan:

Software companies in general have no interest in helping you make anything smaller because they make their money from more data and the more disorganised that data is, the more money they make. The most advanced industry in terms of big data is retail. It’s the stuff they do with all the RFID, the supply chain, with loyalty cards. Those are big-data problems.

Enterprise organizations are faced with the very real problem of too much information that is scattered across various departments in silos. However, there are solutions like PolySpot that use connectors to break the barriers of incompatible data types to draw out important knowledge and information.

Megan Feil, February 18, 2013

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