Information At Work Collects Data But Delivers Insights

February 20, 2013

Industries from education to business to politics and even government are using big data to inform decisions and to achieve efficiency and transparency. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a news story on the OECD Observer from Martine Durand, Director, OECD Directorate of Statistics recently called, “Can Big Data Deliver On It’s Promise?

Revealing statistics were shared in this article. For example, according to the UN Global Pulse, more data was created in 2011 than in the whole of human history.

The article states:

International organisations are getting involved too, the creation of UN Global Pulse being a case in point. The OECD has also been harnessing the potential of big data. Collecting statistics and understanding trends are the daily bread of our organisation, and we have built innovative, interactive tools to draw in more and better information from the public. This, in turn, feeds into improving the policy recommendations we give to governments.

The enterprise is an area where we see a huge potential for efficiency to be increased. Tools like Information at Work from PolySpot provide the cross function infrastructure that companies need to collect and deliver information in real time.

Megan Feil, February 20, 2013

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