Frost and Sullivan Set the Standard In Enterprise Market

March 18, 2013

Frost and Sullivan have been shining a light on the most brilliant tech companies around for as long as we can remember. So when the company decided to shine that light on its favorite company of 2013, we paid close attention. We got the exciting news from a recent Reuters release, “Frost & Sullivan Lauds OpenText for Consistently Staying Ahead of Product Development Curve in the Enterprise Digital Media Market.”

The story went into great detail, beginning with:

“OpenText’s recent rebranding of its enterprise content management (ECM) solution, including all of its peripheral and best-of-breed complementary business lines, into a single Enterprise Information Management (EIM) platform represents a significant realignment of its solutions. OpenText is the first to market with a broad platform geared toward the specific needs and performance demands of users from across the organization.”

This is a big deal for a growing company like OpenText. The wave of the magic wand from Frost has been a harbinger of good things to come. Chief among these harbingers has been their partnership program. Regardless of how a rising company is associated with Frost, it is a good sign. It means one of the biggest names in search has a lot of faith in that company and, by extension, so do we.

Patrick Roland, March 18, 2013

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One Response to “Frost and Sullivan Set the Standard In Enterprise Market”

  1. OpenText Weekly Recap: March 18-22Enterprise Content Management Blog | Enterprise Content Management Blog on March 22nd, 2013 11:16 pm

    […] was honored with the 2013 Global Frost and Sullivan Company of the Year Award. Expanding on this recognition, Frost & Sullivan stated its reasoning […]

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