Another Publisher Put Under the Scope

March 20, 2013

The publishing industry has taken a big hit over the last several years as self-publishing has become a more profitable and easily obtainable way to publish material. It is however, a double-edged sword.

Evidently “O’Reilly Media Has Lost Its Soul.”

“O’Reilly Media—the publishing wing at least—appears to have lost its soul. I have no doubt that Tim O’Reilly founded the company with a great vision and high respect for authors. I don’t know when things changed, but it’s obvious that they have. It’s hard to value anything that O’Reilly Media is doing today, including its conferences, when its publishing wing is this dysfunctional.”

A reputable publishing company doesn’t just publish your book, but their reputation as well. It is a perk you can’t get with self-publishing, but things can often go wrong and this is I feel an overly harsh criticism of a publishing company as a whole based upon one undesirable experience.

Anyone can self-publish these days (anyone can write a book of nonsense and throw it up on the internet), which is why reputable publishing companies are more important than ever.

Leslie Radcliff, March 20, 2013

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