The Search and Retrieval News Feed

March 24, 2013

Dear, dear Twitter was not able to reclaim my newsfeed. The lads and lasses did try. I think that in grade school that would earn a high mark. In the real world, well, no comment. But everyone was really, really nice. We have many, many assurances that action was underway. We really, really think this makes clear the risks of using a free service. Super experience. I assume a couple thousand people know more about pop stars than they ever thought possible.

If you want to sign up for the feed of headlines for ArnoldIT’s Beyond Search Blog, the new handle is BeyondSearchNow. The RSS link has been updated. Wow, I love Twitter. Wow, I never knew how fascinating a pop star’s secret life could be.

Anyway, the dull, old Beyond Search news stream is at BeyondSearchNow. Here you go:

Stephen E Arnold, March 24, 2013


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