Recorded Future Sheds Light on Sony

April 2, 2013

One of the best ways to find the correlation between data from various sources it by comparison. Recorded Future is an online business intelligence analysis tool designed for open web sources. Recorded future scans thousands of different type such as blogs and online news and analyzes the text to identify certain references entities or events. The GamaGanda article “Analyzing Sony with Recorded Future #2” is a great example of how the intelligence tool works. The author does an analysis on Sony’s position in the video gaming market. Recently, Sony had been discussing innovation and was due to make a big announcement. The author used Recorded Future to see if Sony was really making any innovative strides and more specifically how they shaped up when compared to Microsoft and Apple.

“Patent filling is something you can track and it gives you a pretty good idea on a company’s disposition to invest in R&D and hence design innovative products and services.”

As shown on the online screen shots Sony is definitely not keeping up with the innovative minds of Microsoft and Apple and the number of patents clearly demonstrate that. Also more alarming is that Sony has seen an increasing number of layoffs over the past several years. Though patent filing seems to be increasing they are still behind the other big two and have lost a lot of ground in the race. Only time will tell if the upcoming announcement and future projects will help Sony to bounce back. With just a few screenshots Recorded Future broke the bad news to Sony shareholders and now all they can do is watch, wait and hope for the best.

April Holmes, April 02, 2013

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