Zylab Offers Guidance on International eDiscovery

April 16, 2013

The complex issues surrounding eDiscovery only get more tangled when you consider cross-border transfers of information. Prominent eDiscovery and data management firm Zylab held a helpful webinar on the matter, and supplies a summary of it (and more) in an interview with the Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. The company’s Mary Mack speaks in, “Today’s Most Challenging Litigation Cost Issues: Privacy, Privilege, and Over-Preservation Related to ESI” [Electronically Stored Information].

Mack explains issues around the evolving global eDiscovery landscape clearly and concisely—I highly recommend the article. She touches on social media privacy and the costs of over-preservation. She also supplies timely insights into international developments. For example, she states:

“It has been very difficult for companies to move data for legal purposes across borders and in a timely manner. The EU is now trying to clarify the rules with respect to data protection, but in doing so it has opened up a whole can of worms and a world of opportunity. Under the EU draft, there are permissions to get and standards to achieve with respect to things such as apps, cookies and cloud computing. Silicon Valley has been lobbying quite a bit on this issue because apps and cloud are international, just as the Internet is international.

“Also, the EU is working with APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation) on privacy rules. Therefore, it is doubly important that there be U.S. involvement during this inflection time.”

Organizations around the world turn to ZyLAB for help with eDiscovery issues. The company was founded in 1983, with the release of the first full-text retrieval software for the PC. It’s eDiscovery/ Information Management platform, ZyLAB Information Management Platform, was released in 2010.

Cynthia Murrell, April 16, 2013

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