Generational Generation of Digital Information–a Breakdown

May 21, 2013

In the article Digital Footprints Broken Down by Generation on Bit Rebels, there are some very interesting facts laid out about the amount of data generated everyday by humans. According to the article, citing “science”, the internet in all its encompassing hugeness weighs no more than the average strawberry, but the data printed out could cross the US and China fifteen times. To discover your data footprint and get a label (such as super-user) you can visit Cisco’s website What is Your Digital Footprint. The article also states,

“What I found to be the most staggering stat is that from the beginning of time until 2003, humans generated 5 billion gigabytes worth of data. Today, we generate that much data every two days. In a year from now, we will generate that much data every ten minutes. What will it be like in 10 years from now? Doesn’t it seem like at some point it would get full? Science is full of mystery and wonder.”

For a breakdown of generational usage of everything from tv to smart phones to desktop computers, examine this handy infographic by Wikibon. It predicts that soon we will generate 5 billion gigabytes of data every ten minutes. Some of this data is private, and at ArnoldIT you can learn from a team of professionals about how to avoid leaving a digital footprint that will open you up to risk and embarrassment.

Chelsea Kerwin, May 21, 2013

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