Google Yourself to Learn About Your Digital Footprint and Avoid Security Breaches

May 22, 2013

The aptly titled article, Do a Google Search on Yourself Every Few Months to Find Out What Others Can Learn About You on SecurityFAQs, reminds us yet again of the time before the Google revolution, when encyclopedia’s were still a great gift and students knew and used the Dewey Decimal System. Today, if you aren’t careful, you can leave invaluable information about yourself for all to see and in some cases to use against you. The article explains,

“Some of the information that Google offers may be able to harm you. Google indexes other websites around the web including some of the websites that you might have visited at some point. If you left information about yourself on one of these websites then there is a good chance that Google might have indexed that information and it is available to the public. If someone was able to type in the right search they would be able to access that information.”

Googling yourself may seem like a vanity exercise but in fact it can help you understand your digital footprint and what information is out there for all the world to see. The article mentions black hat hackers several times, those who breach your computer security for no other reason than malice. ArnoldIT offers more information on digital footprints and the risks you might be exposing yourself to without being aware.

Chelsea Kerwin, May 22, 2013

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