Enterprise Search Rumor Round Up

May 27, 2013

I attended two separate search events in the last couple of weeks. In the course of listening to presentations of widely varying quality and talking with people who sure seemed to know everything there was to know about search, I picked up some rumors.

I don’t know if these items are accurate. I want to summarize these as “of possible interest.” If you, gentle reader, can verify or debunk any of these rumors, please, use the comments section of this blog.

ITEM: A German search engine vendor does not market in the US. The rumor was that the company president brings “selected” staff to vacation at the conference venue. Good use of investor funds? If true, probably not. If not true, we will have another non US vendor chasing government contracts, OEM deals, and Fortune 1000 firms.

ITEM: Amazon thinks it labor hassles in Germany is “old news.” Amazon, like Google, seems indifferent to some quite real concerns.

ITEM: The outfit doing business as BA Insight has experienced a change at the top. I found this item interesting because the company has ingested millions of dollars and does not light up my radar as a challenger to the crowns once worn by Autonomy and Endeca.

ITEM: European government money is getting tight. One search vendor estimates that unless sales are made in the US market, the government funded company will be history in 2014. The big point? The US market is seen as the last great hope for survival.

ITEM: Exhibitors pay money to get their names on the programs. A couple of the event sponsors did not show up? Better things to do or a cash crunch?

If useful information turns up in the comments, we will pass it along.

Stephen E Arnold, May 27, 2013


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