Setting Up Endeca Provisioning

July 15, 2013

Need to know how to establish Endeca‘s Provisioning? David Sowerby at 3sixty-analytics helpfully outlines the setup in, “Endeca Provisioning – ‘Self Service’.” (The article notes that users looking for information on installing Provisioning should see this entry.) He writes:

“I mentioned in an earlier post that Oracle had indicated the future direction of Endeca by including a feature described as ‘Provisioning’. In practice, this is the facility to load a single spreadsheet, perform some simple but useful data cleansing, and then let Endeca generate an application for you.

“Although it currently only loads a single spreadsheet per application, it is a great way to see some of Endeca’s capability first hand, and also to act a hands on introduction to building an application from your data.”

The write-up describes four main steps: finding a spreadsheet of data to use, loading the spreadsheet, experimenting with the data, and, naturally, bragging about the results. It walks us through the process of loading a spreadsheet, complete with screenshots. He then links to an Oracle video that covers working with the data and creating an application. The article and video together make for a valuable resource for those looking into Endeca Provisioning.

Cynthia Murrell, July 15, 2013

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