Healthcare Analytics Issues Finally Solved

July 24, 2013

Does anyone really know how to crack the nut that has been sitting on healthcare’s table, begging to be opened? That question is, of course, will anything really help get all the unstructured data from medical files into a usable tool for helping professionals? The jury is still out after reading a recent Chiliad article, “The Hardest Question in Healthcare: What Works?”

In the interview we learned:

“To succeed in understanding what works by looking at all of the data, we also need a new approach that works. We need tools at our fingertips to allow experts in their field who are not experts in data analysis get to the bottom of important questions. We need tools that can reach out to data wherever it exists without compromising privacy, without compromising data control and data ownership.”

While this sounds like a person hunting for some answers. We are not so sure they have them at hand. Maybe nobody does? What the field of healthcare analytics has no shortage of, as we just saw, is optimism. We saw it earlier this year when Yahoo! declared that healthcare reform might be a boon for analytics. While that, too, makes logical sense we are not convinced anyone has a concrete solution to healthcare’s headaches.

Patrick Roland, July 24, 2013

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