Googley Predictions A La 2005

August 6, 2013

Today I revisit a blast from the past. In the autumn of 2005, blogger Mike Falick made some predictions in, “How Intelligent Searching Will Change the World.” We now know Falick was largely correct, and that Google is the survivor who gets to run the island. The post begins:

“The current edition of eSchool News has a great article that describes ‘intelligent searching’ through new technology for searching and navigating the internet. I found this article interesting because I have been bookmarking the websites referred to in the article as well as several others that I find very useful. As more and more information becomes accessible to anyone with a computer and an internet connection, Thomas Friedman‘s flattening of the planet will only accelerate. (See my prior posts on Thomas Friedman here and here.)

“Here are some of the websites I think are part of the rapid dissemination of information that are world-changers:”

Of the 12 entries, nine are Googley projects. Some, like Google Scholar, Google Earth, still exist under the original names. Others, like Google Suggest (now known as Autocomplete), have been wrapped into the ruling web-search engine. His other inclusions are still around, though decidedly in Google’s shadow: Gnooks, a listing of new books; video search site blinkx; and science resource site Scirus.

I like it when a futurist gets it right. Of course, predictions that fell flat could be even more entertaining. . . .

Cynthia Murrell, August 06, 2013

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