News Channels Are Not Dying They Are Expanding

August 13, 2013

If you do not read enough about customer relationship management (also known as search) at Arnold IT, you might find interesting. is an aggregation service that focuses on the above topic, plus many more that makes the subject matter wander. Take a look and not only will you see stories about IT, business, and entertainment, but there are some items that look like they have been pulled from Reddit.

How does work? Its approach is similar to an old-fashioned newspaper with customable options on your topic of choice:

“The key to a great newspaper is a great newsroom. The platform gives you access to an ever-expanding universe of articles, blog posts, and rich media content. automatically processes more than 250 million social media posts per day, extracting & analyzing over 25 million articles. Only lets you tap into this powerful media flow to find exactly what you need, and publish it easily on your own online newspaper.”

Aggregation services are gaining more prominence, especially since the Google Reader went kaput. Also another factor is that people do not enjoy having to sift through search results. There is definitely a market, so why not find a sponsor. Perhaps Attentisity? Let us know if you know the funding agent.

Whitney Grace, August 13, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Beyond Search


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